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THE LONGMEN “LINEAGE POEM” (Longmen paishi 龍門派詩) A Translation Chinese Text 道德通玄靜,真常守太清。一陽來復本,合教永圓明。 至理宗誠信,崇高嗣法興。世景榮惟懋,希微衍自寧。 住修正仁義,超升雲會登。大妙中黃貴,聖體全用功。 虛空乾坤秀,金木性相逢。山海龍虎交,蓮開現寶新。 行滿丹書詔,月盈祥光生。萬古續仙號,三界都是亲。 Translation The Dao and its Virtue pervade the mysterious quiescence, true constancy guards the grand clarity. The One Yang comes and returns to the root: the united teaching is unendingly whole and bright. The perfect principle is at the origins of sincerity and truthfulness: venerable and...